We recently took the opportunity to get semi-dressed up, have a "grown ups only" night out and went to the VA employees dinner/dance with my girlfriends and their husbands. These are pictures of some of my favorite people of all time and some of the best co-workers I've ever worked with. Enjoy!
Glenda, the Good Witch and Nick the Wizard
(though she's a good witch, I've seen her break out the flying monkeys)
Janet, the Queen of the Red Team and Mike the Contractor
(they both work at the VA, federal double dippers!)
Jean "What's my Indian Name?" and Blake the Patron Saint of Tolerance
(she's also a "real" princess.... just ask her, AND she has the tiara to prove it)
Amy, Nurse of Goodness and Grace and Brian the Handsome
(hey, it's MY blog and I can blog what I want to, blog what I want to......you would blog to if it happened to you)
Amy, Glenda, Jean and Janet....Awesome Nurses and Really Cool Chicks
(91 YEARS of combined nursing experience!?!?! Maybe we ought to try and cure cancer!)
"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter."---Marlene Dietrich