Saturday, February 14, 2009

Any Excuse To Have A Party

So....we decided to let the girls have some friends over to hang out and celebrate Valentine's Day. Since I don't have triskaidedaphobia, we picked Friday the 13th as the big night.

The house was decked out in the usual Valentine fanfare, including lights, porch railing adornments and a wreath for the door.

Soon, everyone was enjoying heart shaped pizzas and strawberry sodas.

Dinner was followed up by the traditional party games.

The "Roll the Orange With Your Nose" game......

The "Tell a Secret and Pass it Around the Circle and See How Ends Up" game....

The old standby, "Tie a Balloon To Your Leg and Don't Let Anyone Pop It" game......

All the girls seemed to have a great time. No tears, no cat-fights, no backbiting, no visible injuries and everyone was returned to their parents in the same condition as they had arrived.....a successful party in my mind!

Soon, it was time for a movie and bed on the living room floor with Sophie, who got to spend the night!

1 comment:

  1. Brian and Amy! Hey! Thanks for sharing your pictures. They were fun to look at and the story...imaginative...creative

    Your girls are lucky to have you both!

    Lisa Veaudry
